Toy Donation Barrels Located at Kentfield Fire Station Santa Cop & the First Responder Elves are accepting new, unwrapped toy donations at all San Rafael Fire Stations, as well as, Kentfiel...
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Toy Donation Barrels Located at Kentfield Fire Station Santa Cop & the First Responder Elves are accepting new, unwrapped toy donations at all San Rafael Fire Stations, as well as, Kentfiel...
Join Us! Kentfield Fire District's Open House Saturday, October 12, 2024 10 AM to 2 PM * Bouncy House * Kids Activities * Hot Dogs * Community Partners * Smokey the Bear * Meet our Firefighters ...
Ross Valley Fire Department, in coordination with Central Marin Fire Department and the Greater Ross Valley and West Marin Fire Agencies, is seeking to fill two (2) fixed limited-term positions of Wil...
Don't delay your call to 9-1-1 if you're injured or are experiencing a medical emergency or have medical concerns associated with the Coronavirus. The Marin County Fire Chiefs Association has pu...
Applications for the Low-Income Senior exemption for the Measure A Parcel Tax for the 2020-2021 tax year are now available. Application filing deadline is on or before June 1, 2020. The applicat...
The District is anticipating the need for seasonal firefighters this year. Staffing during the wildland fire season (3-8 months) may include Engine and Inspector assignments. Engine: Firefi...
Marin County Fire Chiefs Association For Immediate Release September 23, 2019 Red Flag Warning in Effect for Marin County Warning to remain in place until Wednesday Morning Marin County, CA -- ...
Kent Woodlands Evacuation Route Clearance Begins September 2019 Kentfield Fire Protection District has identified high hazard areas in the Kent Woodlands where improvements can be made to reduce the a...
Kentfield Fire Protection District, KWPOA, and FIRESafe MARIN will host an evacuation presentation and notification system "drill" for all Kent Woodlands residents May 30, 2019 at the Bacich community...
Are You Ready for Wildfire? All Kentfield residents should receive a Wildfire Hazard pamphlet in the mail this week. Use the tips on the inside of this pamphlet to reduce flammable vegetation and othe...
November 2, 2017 Kentfield and Greenbrae Residents: We have all been witness to the devastation experienced over the past t...
October 13, 2017 Fire agencies across Marin County have sent 38 fire engines and 154 firefighters to the fires inSonoma, Napa, and Mendocino counties. Firefighters and command personnel are activelyen...
Kentfield Fire Protection District recently received a Class 1 Excellent Insurance Services Office (ISO) Public Protection Classification (PPC). Class 1 represents an exemplary fire suppression ...
Defensible space is your property’s front line defense against wildfire. Creating and maintaining defensible space around your home can dramatically increase your home’s chance of su...
Sand and sand bags are now available for Kentfield District residents at the College of Marin Parking Lot #15 on Kent Avenue (between College & Hillside). The driveway is loca...
In 2015, CAL FIRE awarded FIRESafe MARIN a $123,200 grant from the SRA Fire Prevention Fee Fund to update the 2005 Marin County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The plan was completed and p...
Twelve firefighters graduated from the Marin County Regional Fire Academy on June 17, 2016. The 10-week Marin County Regional Fire Academy was a fast-paced, intense and highly disciplined program ba...
Director Steve Gerbsman administers the Oath of Office as Board Directors Bruce Corbet, Barry Evergettis, and Michael Murray are sworn into the Kentfield Fire District Board of Directors at the ...
The County of Marin is holding a workshop for the rehabilitation of Sir Francis Drake Blvd between Highway 101 and the Ross Town Limits and is requesting resident input. The public workshop is schedu...
1004 Sir Francis Drake Blvd
Kentfield, CA 94904
(415) 453-7464
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Marin Emergency Radio Authority (MERA) is a partnership of public agencies to provide and operate interoperable radio communications between all Marin agencies for efficient and effective emergency communications.
Aging & Adult Services is a unit within Marin County Health and Human Services, Division of Social Services, providing services and support for older persons and adults with disabilities to promote quality of life and independence. Learn more...