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Board Policies and Procedures

Kentfield Fire Protection District is governed by a five-member Board of Directors elected to four-year terms. The Board of Directors regular monthly meetings are scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:00 pm at the Kentfield Fire District located at 1004 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Kentfield, CA.  Agendas are posted on the website 72 hours in advance of the meeting.

Members of the Board of Directors receive a $100 stipend for every monthly meeting attended.  Board of Directors shall be reimbursed for all legitimate expenses incurred in attending meetings or in making any trips on official business of the Board when so authorized.

Board of Directors can be reached via mail at the address above, through the District office at 415-453-7464 or via email by visiting the contact us page.

Download Meeting Agendas

Download Meeting Minutes


Board of Directors Election Procedures 

The Kentfield Fire Protection District is an independent Special District. 

We are governed by a five member elected Board of Directors. 

The Marin County Elections Department manages elections and ballot measures pertaining to the Kentfield Fire Protection District and provides the following services: 

  • Registers voters, conducts voter outreach, and maintains the voter rolls; 
  • Conducts federal, state, county, city, school, and district elections which includes: candidate filing, locating polling places, recruiting poll workers, mailing ballots, and processing and counting official ballots; 
  • Verifies signatures on state and local initiatives and nominating and recall petitions; 
  • Maintains campaign finance information on office holders, candidates, and measures as required by the Fair Political Practices Commission. 

Current status: There are currently no open seats on our Board of Directors. The terms for three of our Directors will expire in 2026; and, two in 2028. 

Please contact the Marin County Elections Department for information if you are interested in being a candidate for our Board of Directors: 

Elections Department 
3501 Civic Center Drive Suite 121 
San Rafael, CA 94903 
Phone: (415) 473-6456 
Fax: (415) 473-6447 
TTY: (415) 473-6899 

Contact Us

1004 Sir Francis Drake Blvd
Kentfield, CA 94904
(415) 453-7464
Email Us

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